Thursday, April 12, 2007

Lord, Give Me Patience...Now!

What defines "patience" for you: * tenacity *diligence *unflappability * focus * vitality *composure *persistence *endurance? Does your patience need a makeover? Could it use a bit more tenacity, focus, or vitality? 1-Patience is spiritual tenacity. *Patience is endurance and absolute certainty that what you anticipate is going to happen. If you are disappointed in the short term, then hang on; perhaps your hopes are being purified. Be watchful like those waiting for the Master to show up as Host for the wedding feast in Luke 12:35-38—dressed, ready for service, lamps burning, expecting His return. *Spiritual tenacity is not merely hanging on, which tends to harbor an element of fear of falling off, but working with a vengeance, believing that God will be victorious. In short, wait on the Lord. *Spiritual tenacity refuses to believe that one’s hero can be defeated. "Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10. 2-Patience is…spiritual focus: "My eyes are ever on the Lord" Psalm 25:15. *Patience is possible because one’s eyes are on God rather than fixed on a cause, an issue, or a goal. "Though it tarry, wait for it" Habakkuk 2:3. Stay tuned for incorruptible rewards rather than seeking earthly treasures (Matthew 6:19-24). *Look beyond what one can grasp or experience (or feel); never let down spiritually. "Not as though I had already attained, either was already perfect….Press on…!" Philippians 3:12-14. The runner’s analogy in The Message puts it this way: I have my "eye on the goal, [I’m] off and running and not turning back." 3-Patience is…spiritual vitality. *Patience means disciplining one’s thought life. Be "rich toward God" rather than being like the rich man who "thought to himself," considered "I, me, and myself," and built bigger barns on the night before he died (Luke 12:15-21). *Action Plan for Spiritual Vitality: Rouse yourself to action. Restrict your won’ts for God and your wants for yourself. Rest in the new life God is creating within you rather than in the laurels of the progress you have made already. Nothing wilts faster than a laurel rested upon! "Let "patience do her perfect work" James 1:2-4. "By standing firm you will save yourselves" Luke 21:19. "Decide beforehand that you will not worry how you will defend yourselves. For I will give you the words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist" Luke 21:14-15. Let God bathe your life in His peace this week. Ask Him for the tenacity (the stick-to-it-iveness), the focus, and the vitality in your walk with Him to be unflappable in life!

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