Friday, November 02, 2007

I Stinketh, Therefore, I Am

Lately, I have been so unproductive. I am just realizing what an achievement junkie I am. Getting things accomplished energizes me. Sure, I can stew and contemplate with the best of them. Admittedly, it is in the quiet that God reveals Himself to me. But if I got to choose, then I would pick the fast lane of God's activity. I just want Him to let me do something for Him. Like a new puppy whose tail is wagging so hard against his frail ribs that he falls over from the needless exertion, I am anxious and spinning my wheels. I want to run out into the streets and yell and scream and make His name known, and He wants me to sit with Him a while. Sometimes, I just need to sit. Other times, all I want to do is sit and stare and "veg" out. Those are not the times when He is with me. Those are the times when I am so into myself that the puppy in me has given way to the lap dog, the one whose owners have to purchase organic food because he's too overweight to see his paws. The lapdog and the exuberant puppy in me need the same thing. They both crave a dose of Jesus. Most of the time, my heart is not a place where He wants to set up camp and hold a meetin'. There's no place to sit due to the clutter from an unconfessing nature. That's when "I stinketh." There's just one cure. Not just a dose of Jesus but a total Blood Transfusion. The name of Jesus on my lips and the promises in the Word of God through Jesus in my heart will fight those distractions off--for the lapdog and the eager pup. Focusing UP rather than INWARD. Saying JESUS' name over and over in my head rather than ME, MY, MINE. Last night a great friend encouraged me--a lot. When we first began to converse, things were awkward between us, tense, strained. I realized there was hurt in the voice in my ear. We started to laugh and to share what was in our hearts. Before long, my friend was encouraging me through a difficult patch. Having already conquered the boulders on that trail, my friend knew where all the good views were, the places to sit a while. Being able to encourage someone like that when you yourself are hurting is something only the Spirit of God can do in us. I saw Jesus in my friend. It struck me. That's exactly how it is with Jesus and me. When we first start to converse, things can be a bit strained. Remember: "I stinketh?" There is a pain in His voice that seeps through His obvious affection. Soon, we are laughing about the ridiculous way I have of chasing my tail, and I begin to be honest with Him about what's been keeping us apart. Remember: "I stinketh?" He knows where all of the great boulders in my life are placed, and He perches on one and sits with me a while. The hard places in my life are places to perch and sit a while with Him. A novel idea! He whispers to me: "I know you stinketh...Therefore, I AM!" Did I mention that He encourages me--a lot? Sometimes it is hard to stay focused. Often it's hard to stay faithful. But look back at the spiritual markers in your life, the times when you stationed one of those roadside Civil-War signs to recall what happened between you and the Father. Usually, the trail to the marker was not so pleasant when you were walking it. That's because something in us has to die for something perfect in Christ to be born in us there. Once I give into death ("I stinketh") and let Christ live in me, then I AM comes to reside in me. The stench of death and sin becomes the aroma of Heaven. He produces, and I abide. Suddenly, I'm no longer so unproductive any more! "Noah built an altar to the Lord and...he sacrificed...on it. The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma..." Genesis 8:20-21. The smell of a sacrifice is the odor of something burning, of death, but out of the ashes God blesses.

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